version 1.1.x
notes from version 1.1.0 +
version 1.1.7
- add pokedex webcomponent
- add capture element component
version 1.1.6
- add $canvas in core module & browser
version 1.1.5
- add neo-jquery as css modules
version 1.1.4
- add $audio in core module & browser
- add webcomponent getJson > warning if api using cors
version 1.1.3
- add $url in core module, node & browser
- add $browserChecker in browser & core
- add fallback vars in webcomponents except modal component.
version 1.1.2
- remove & modify some easter eggs
- new webcomponents media card
version 1.1.1
- add default volume in radio player
- add new osInfo in node module
- new easter egg
version 1.1.0
- add new component radio-player
- add types in $createElement
- add new style retro card
version 1.0.x
notes from version 1.0.0 to 1.0.9
version 1.0.9
- delete cjs & mjs for combined in one folder called core.
- add $root in the core module.
- renove types in $ajax function.
version 1.0.8
- add node modules (writefile)
- add params module in node and esm; not avaliable in browser
version 1.0.7
- remove legacy module (if using IE using the versions 1.0.3 - 1.0.6)
version 1.0.6
- add new module intl
- new easter-egg for swifties
version 1.0.5
- add toast function extract stack-analyze desktop 5 higher
- change frontend scraping link change php to node
- reorder styles
- rewrite some easter eggs
patch version 1.0.55
- add new features not present except new easter-egg
version 1.0.4
- add web components:
- accordion
- modal image
- rewrite $ajax and $getJSON in core module
- new styles tooltip
- compatibility with typecscript
note: web components module is universal is compatibility with: browser, cjs electron and ESM.
verison 1.0.3
delete function ready
add scraping module frontend css stylesheet legacy module only IE 10 and 11 using js es5
version 1.0.2
rewitre fadeIn and fadeOut functions using classList.contains as ternary conditional
version 1.0.1
add new functions
- $ready
- $createElement
version 1.0.0
first version of js library inspired jquery using plain js modern